Published on June 17, 2020
Hey Next.js, Is Server Side Rendering Dead?
If you ask someone about Next.js, they will talk about server-side rendering(SSR) for sure. But recently, we started to talk more about static site generation when it comes to Next.js.
So, is server rendering dead?

You will get your answers at the end of this article.
History Lesson: SSR & Next.js
Next.js is not the first solution to introduce SSR with React, but it shows an excellent way to fetch data(AKA: getInitialProps). With that, we could build pages without worrying about how and when to render them.
export default function HomePage({ name }) {
return (
Hello, {name}
HomePage.getInitialProps = async function() {
// Fetch some data from an external API
return {
name: "Arunoda Susiripla"
This is how we used getInitialProps inside a page. But now, Next.js recommends using `getStaticProps` and `getServerSideProps`
SSR shines when you want to build a dynamic web app with public-facing pages. You can make your apps easily visible to search engines and provides various social media discovery features. (Like Twitter cards, etc.)
It can even help to make the initial page render faster without waiting for JavaScript assets.
Do we need SSR in 2020?
With SSR, we have to run React on the server. It consumes a lot of resources. If you need to fetch data on the server, it adds latency to your overall page load time.
Now Google can render client-side JavaScript apps. It even prefers to do that instead of just looking at the HTML output. So, for dynamic web apps, SSR is not needed to index inside Google.

This is how Google renders a Next.js web page inside a mobile browser.
But still, SSR helps to implement various social media features like Twitter cards. For even that, we only need to render the HTML head.
With the recent development of Webpack and Next.js, initial JavaScript assets can be made very small. We can also preload data and cache them locally. Combining those, we can load and render pages very fast inside the client without SSR.
Let's go All Static
Due to these reasons, we can build apps without using SSR. For example, is a fully static web site. That includes marketing web pages and even the dashboard.
Here's how you can do this. It's not that hard.
1. Build your public pages as static pages
These public pages could include homepages, various marketing pages, docs, and the blog. Here's such an example.
2. Build your dynamic pages with a static shell
A static shell is a page structure without any data. It's a simple static page. Then inside the client, you load data and fill the structure.
This is not a new concept at all. This is the basic building block for client-side apps.
But now, we can do the initial render very fast without SSR.
Look at this example. It lists a set of tracks by "Marshmello" fetched from the iTunes API. (Try to reload it multiple times.)
This app preload data just like any other asset on your website. we can render the data without waiting for a fetch API call.
There are many optimizations and tricks when it comes to data fetching. I am writing more about these topics in the coming weeks.
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Okay. We no longer need SSR, right?
Hmm. We need SSR, and it's still a major component of Next.js. Let me show you.
Fallback and Incremental Regeneration needs SSR
With incremental static regeneration, but we can generate static pages and update them on-demand in the server. Here we create pages inside the server, and that uses server-side rendering.
CMS Preview Support
Next.js supports most of the popular CMS providers and comes with real-time preview support. That's a built-in feature of Next.js and does not need any support from a hosting provider.
To make this possible, it uses server-side rendering.
Application Shell with Minimum Data
"Application Shell" is an excellent concept. But sometimes, we might need to render a part of the page in the server. It could be the header with user info. In such cases, you need server-side rendering.
Social Sharing Tools
If you go with the "Application Shell" model and those are public-facing pages, you need to include social sharing metadata for Twitter cards, etc. For that, you need to render those HTML head metadata dynamically.
For that, you need server-side rendering.
SSR is still awesome
As you have seen, SSR is significant when it comes to Next.js. But it doesn't use SSR in the traditional sense to generate pages all the time. If you think carefully, it gives you these benefits.
No Vendor Locking
Yes. Vercel maintains Next.js, and they are in the hosting business. But non of the cool features on Next.js does not depend on the Vercel platform. Let me give you some examples:
- Incremental builds support is a feature of Next.js
- CMS Preview support is a feature of Next.js
Because of this, you can deploy your Next.js app to any place you like. You can use Vercel if you don't want to worry about hosting and related tasks. Otherwise you can use Netlify, AWS, or run it on your hardware.
This helps third-party vendors too. If you work for a new CMS company, you can get the Next.js preview support by merely writing a starter template. It's something you can do in a few hours.
You've got the Power
If I say, Next.js is the only way to build a web app. It's a complete lie.
If you need a simple blog and you write occasionally, try using Medium, Wordpress, or even GitHub Pages. If you are looking to build a demo in a week or so, you might consider Meteor.
But if you want to build a well-planned product, integrate with wide range of APIs, or you need to customize your app as you want, choosing Next.js is the ideal approach.
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